Lo Steering Committee della FISP – Fédération internationale des sociétés de philosophie ha accolto con favore l’invito della SFI a ospitare il 25° Congresso Mondiale di Filosofia a Roma nel 2024. Responsabili di tale sforzo organizzativo saranno la Società Filosofica Italiana La Sapienza Università di Roma.
L’evento ha una portata internazionale vastissima; si tratta di una ricorrenza storica, dal momento che l’ultimo Congresso mondiale organizzato in Italia risale al 1958, ma si tratta, soprattutto, di un’opportunità senza precedenti per la comunità filosofica del nostro paese, che avrà modo di avviare una riflessione pubblica sulle prospettive di lungo termine delle nostre discipline e delle nostre società, particolarmente urgente in questo momento, confrontandosi allo stesso tempo con gli sviluppi più recenti delle ricerche filosofiche condotte nelle diverse aree del pianeta. L’apporto che il Congresso, in una congiuntura storica caratterizzata da problemi acuti e bisognosa di orientamenti ideali a livello globale, potrà dare alla riflessione pubblica riguardante le prospettive della filosofia nell’ambito nazionale e internazionale si configura sin da subito come grande e importante.
Novità, dettagli e informazioni saranno forniti anche su questo sito per favorire la più ampia partecipazione di tutti gli interessati.
25 aprile 2021
To all member societies, associations, institutes,
and partners of Fisp.
Dear fellow philosophers, colleagues, and friends,
For many of us, the last months were exhaustingly difficult. Many – not all – of you are reading this message while still being confined, sheltered, or quarantined at home. For some, the pandemic is far from over, and daily deaths are still high; in other regions, vaccines are being provided amply. Let us not forget, though, that in many parts of the world, deadly epidemics never ceased to be a familiar event.
We can reasonably expect that this pandemic will eventually be over. Yet we may also foresee that our societies are likely to suffer from its effects very differently. Still, we cling to the actual hope that we will soon be able to resume our interactions, to reflect together on the modalities of our common future, and possibly cooperate in setting the conditions that may help to shape it.
You are all aware that World Congresses of Philosophy have been important occasions to share our views and ideas through global encounters. You may have heard that Fisp had to renounce our original plan to hold the 25th World Congress of Philosophy in Melbourne, Australia. Thereupon, and after careful deliberation and consultation, the Steering Committee of Fisp decided to accept the invitation issued by the Italian Philosophical Society to host the Congress in Italy.
It is therefore my pleasure to inform you that an agreement has been reached with the Italian Philosophical Society and the Sapienza University of Rome — the leading university in Italy — to hold the 25th World Congress of Philosophy in Rome, Italy. Because of this belated re-assignment, and partly due to the ongoing Covid-related restrictions, the Steering Committee decided to postpone the Congress to 2024. The next edition remains scheduled for 2028.
This is obviously a big change regarding the Congress as we originally planned to hold it in Australia. A World Congress in Europe, following these difficult times, would make sense if it becomes an opportunity to reflect on human, cultural, and social issues of common concern, and a platform for scholars from all countries to share and discuss their different views. It will be of primary importance to involve scholars from all different areas, disciplines, and regions of the world.
The preparation of the Congress is now underway. The President of the Italian Philosophical Society, Professor Emidio Spinelli, its Secretary Professor Francesca Gambetti, and the Rectress of the Sapienza University of Rome, Professor Antonella Polimeni, are calling the scholarly community of Italy upon this momentous endeavour. Over the next weeks and months, as usual, I will extensively consult you about the structure of the Congress, its sessions and thematic focuses, in order to gather suggestions and proposals that will be brought to the attention of the Steering Committee. It is important for the Congress to reflect the diverse concerns of scholarly communities across the world, and it is probably even more critical now.
I certainly look forward to receiving your feedback, and to seeing you in Rome. You can fully rely on my support and on our colleagues in Italy, to facilitate your attendance, and to make your participation, and the participation of your scholarly networks, as smooth, viable, and fruitful as possible.
With warmest regards as ever,
Luca Maria Scarantino
President of FISP
President of the 25th World Congress of Philosophy
Rome 2024
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